For encrypting data at rest, Cord3 only uses symmetric cryptography.
Cord3 uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with 256-bit keys.
We’ve got your data covered against future advances in quantum computing that are projected to “completely break” widely used algorithms like RSA and ECC.
Why is Symmetric Crypto Strong Against Quantum Computing?
Unlike public-key cryptography, which uses various, very difficult math puzzles to protect keys, symmetric cryptography uses randomness to protect keys.
Using strong, random symmetric keys means an attacker –even one using a quantum computer years from now –has to search through an incredibly large number of keys to be able to find the right one. Even the most powerful conventional computers and quantum computers conceivable would require many, many millions of years to find a key.
Using random symmetric keys contrasts dramatically with public-key cryptography, where keys are not random, but rather based on very difficult math puzzles … and, unfortunately, those math puzzles are precisely the type of algorithms that quantum computing is projected to be able to solve relatively quickly. Cord3 uses a unique, random, 256-bit symmetric key for encrypting any data asset(e.g., a file).
Cord3 uses a FIPS 140-2 approved AES algorithm with 256-bit, random symmetric keys.
AES is a proven algorithm and accepted globally.
How Strong are 256-bit Symmetric Keys?
Unimaginably strong.
You will be amazed.
Click to find out!
“In contrast to the threat quantum computing poses to current public-key algorithms, most current symmetric cryptographic algorithms and hash functions are considered to be relatively secure against attacks by quantum computers …Thus post-quantum symmetric cryptography does not need to differ significantly from current symmetric cryptography.”
– Wikipedia
Is Your CSP Quantum-Ready Today? Not Likely.We separate your data security from CSPs. With Cord3, you’ll be Quantum-Ready Today no matter which CSPs you use.
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