Making Cryptography Usable
For decades, software developers have been trying to make cryptography usable – with very little success!
“Why is encryption software so horrid to use?” MIT Review, December 2014
The long answer to that question is complex and diverse. The short answer is that encryption comes in two fundamental forms and one of the forms is actually easy to use – that form is “in transit” encryption, like SSL and VPN.
The second form – encryption “at rest” – is a completely different story. And the short answer to why encryption at rest is complex and difficult for users (and application developers, too) relates to encryption key management. The term “key management” encapsulates numerous sub-topics, including challenging concepts like key exchange, key rotation, and key backup and recovery.
“The cryptographic software we have today hobbles those who try to use it with Rube Goldberg-machine complexity and academic language as dated as a pair of Jordache jeans” MIT Review, December 2014
Unlike those other cryptography technologies (and no offense intended to lovers of Jordache jeans), Cord3 transparently delivers encryption at rest on behalf of users and applications. That’s right. Totally transparently.
With Cord3, users just go about their business and simply click the usual Save buttons in their applications. In the background, Cord3 does all of the key management to ensure that sensitive information is encrypted … and encrypted very strongly for long-term protection.

“Real-world cryptography isn’t only about cryptography. It’s just as much about product design, and building experiences that work for the user—not requiring work from the user.” MIT Review, December 2014
Cord3 separates data security from applications. It’s Cord3’s product design that enables it to deliver totally transparent encryption, including for encryption at rest. Separate to Elevate.
Cord3 is designed to work for users, and not require work from them. Learn About Cord3’s Encryption Here
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